Race on the Base registration dips

This year’s Race on the Base event, which took place in February, saw 4,082 registrants participate. That number is down from last year’s figure of 4,444.
Today, Los Al’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission will be updated with this and other information about Race on the Base during its regular commission meeting at 7 p.m.
The dip in registration comes after consecutive years of increased participation in 2014 and 2015. A Los Al City staff report cites the reason for the dip is likely due to industry-wide decrease in race registration and market oversaturation of racing events.
Los Al city staff sent out a post-event survey to participants on March 1. Over half of those that responded said they previously participated in the race. That number is up nine percent from last year.
Sponsorship for the race also saw a slight fall. $81,500 in total was raised through sponsors, which is down from last year’s total of $89,000.
Due to the decrease in registration and revenue, city staff lowered the revenue projections for next year’s race, reads a city staff report. A total of $90,078 was raised in revenue from the race. Expenditures totaled $203,463.23.
Charity Campaign
Honoring Our Fallen and Rock for Vets raised money for their causes at the race. About $10,000 was raised for Honoring Our Fallen and about $4,000 was raised by Rock for Vets. Next year, Honoring Our Fallen is looking to get even more involved and has scheduled a meeting with Los Al city staff to find avenues to do so, reads a city staff report.
Race on the Base city council and commission participation challenge
Park, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission member Josh Wilson challenged the City Council to face the commission in terms of participating in the race. All five of the city council members participated in the race, which means they won the challenge. On April 18, a plaque will be awarded to the city council recognizing this accomplishment.