Support the initiative, but a few questions

Letter to the Editor

I applaud the City Council for their recent action related to the ballot measure to increase the City’s sales tax. But I must note that there are still a few items of concern that could have a negative effect on the ordinance’s success in November.

I believe the current wording is not quite there yet. A reading of the recommended ballot question as well as the proposed ordinance, ‘No. 2020-06’, mentions a number of general action items. But I would offer that in some cases, the wording is open to interpretation, that may or may not be understood by succeeding City Councils.

A biggie in my mind is where, in the city coffers, this new money ends up. Is it targeted or does it go directly into the General fund? And if that is, in fact, the case, how are we assured that those new dollars will be directed at the exact programs delineated in the Ordinance description as reflected on the ballot

Let me be more specific. The ordinance refers to ‘…quality of life services…protect local businesses…other essential services…’ I would offer that those words sound good, but what exactly do they mean? It also says, …’create more good-paying jobs for residents…’. I have not seen that happen in the past 25 years, in good economies, how the heck is the City Council going to even attempt that?

Please note, that I am grateful for the hard work and long house put in by our public employees every day. But it is my understanding, and I may be mistaken, that a good portion of this new revenue brought in via the increased sales tax will need to go into the public employees’ retirement and medical accounts, CalPERS. How, exactly does that add to the quality of my life?

I am not trying to tear down what the Council is trying to do. But I want there to be realistic and measurable goals if we are to support an ordinance that will mean more money out of our pockets.

I support this measure, and firmly believe that it is the only path to stave off bankruptcy. And I hope that it passes muster with my friends and neighbors. But I would offer that there are a few loose ends that need to be addressed to assure passage.
I’m hoping the City Council can clarify these issues, and the wording adjusted, to gain our support for the ordinance. L’Chaim

Elliott Singer
Los Alamitos