La Palma-Cerritos AAUW Tech Trekkers get together to prepare for Whittier Tech Trek Camp June 23-29

Pictured at the get together and orientation for the girls who attended or will be attending the Whittier Tech Trek Camp are, left to right: first row, Hannah H., Gracen G., Hannah R. and Ariana P. Second row, Edna Ethington, La Palma-Cerritos AAUW Tech Trek Co-Coordinator for Walker Junior High School; 2018 Trekkers Lilly, Edrianna, and Ariana; and Tobi Balma, Assistant Director of the Whittier Tech Trek Camp. Third row, 2017 Trekkers Isabella and Naima.

By Edna Ethington

In order to prepare the girls selected to attend the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Tech Trek Camp at Whittier College during the week of June 23-29, La Palma-Cerritos Branch member of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), Tobi Balma, planned for a get together and orientation on Sunday, June 9 at Heritage Park in Cerritos.

She invited the four girls who were selected by the branch to attend the camp for the first time and their parents, so that they would learn more about the AAUW California’s Tech Trek Camp. Tobi also invited the girls who attended the Tech Trek Camps in 2017 and 2018 to attend. They were asked to share helpful information for the new girls and be ready to answer questions from the girls and their parents.

Tobi brought bags of popcorn and water for everyone. Edna Ethington, La Palma-Cerritos AAUW Tech Trek Co-Coordinator for Walker Junior High School, brought Hawaiian Punch, and assorted chips and candies. Some of the parents brought boxes of cookies to enjoy during or after the orientation.

As Assistant Director of the STEM Tech Trek Camp that will be held at Whittier College on June 23-29, and a founding member of the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW, Tobi explained that this is the 21st year that AAUW California Special Projects Fund has sponsored STEM Tech Trek Camps in California. She herself has volunteered as a dorm mom for three years, and this year, she is the Director of all the dorm moms and a dorm mom again.

A dorm mom is assigned to a group of ten girls and stays with the girls to supervise them and help them as needed. She said that there are junior and senior counselors who assist the teachers and remind the girls when to get up and go to their classes and meals.

Tobi said there are some girls with allergies coming to camp this year. She wanted parents to know that there will be a nurse practitioner who will be available at the camp for medical needs. She also assured parents that the girls would always walk in pairs and never alone for safety.

Previous Trekkers were asked how attending the STEM Tech Trek Camp helped them. Naima, who attended the Whittier Tech Trek in 2017, responded that subjects she studied at the camp helped her to get a head start in her math and science classes the following year. She enjoyed all the camp activities and did very well in her classes, so that she was selected to return to camp this year as a junior counselor.

Lilly, who attended the camp in 2018, said that attending the camp made her more confident in her speaking ability and more aware of the different careers that she might consider in the future. She was impressed with meeting women who were actively working in STEM fields.

Other Tech Trekkers gave practical advice such as bringing comfortable shoes to walk in, and flip flops to wear in the shower. The dorms are equipped with sheets, pillows, pillowcases and blankets.

However, Tobi suggested that bringing an extra-long fitted twin sheet, and a sleeping bag or mattress pad might make the dorm bed more comfortable.

Tobi explained to the girls and their parents that AAUW California has sponsored one-week STEM Tech Trek Camps for middle school girls since 1998 at universities and colleges.

The AAUW hopes that the Tech Trek Camps will encourage young girls to study STEM subjects and prepare for careers in STEM fields.

The La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW raised funds and chose to send a total of ten girls to the camp at Whittier College starting in 2017. The branch sent two girls to the camp in 2017 at a cost of $900 each, four girls in 2018 and four girls in 2019, at a cost of $950 for each campership. The camperships covered all the cost for food, dorms, supplies and field trips for the entire week of camp. The La Palma-Cerritos AAUW branch did not ask parents to contribute to pay any amount for the camp.

The branch raised funds by asking for donations from their members, their families, friends, and community groups, as well as grants from local businesses and corporations. They hope that people will continue to support the Tech Trek Camps with donations so that more girls will benefit from the camp experience.

The members of the La Palma-Cerritos AAUW believe that after the girls attend the Whittier Tech Trek Camp’s math, science and engineering core classes, and meet female role models who are employed in STEM fields, they will be encouraged to see themselves as future scientists, engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists.

Persons who wish to donate funds to help middle school girls attend a Tech Trek Camp can make checks payable to AAUW CA SPF, which is a 501(c)3 public charity. Designate donations to the La Palma-Cerritos AAUW for Tech Trek Camps.

Courtesy photo