Huntington Beach finance official to speak to WOC Republicans

Huntington Beach Finance Commissioner Gracey Van Der Mark will share details about the X-rated content that is now part of the California sex education curriculums during the West Orange County Republican Women Federated March 21, 2020 monthly meeting.

Gracey will explain how laws restrict parental rights the minute children step on public school grounds. Beginning at 9:30 am. in the Cypress Courtyard Marriott “schoolyard” (5865 Katella Avenue at Valley View) with a delicious buffet breakfast, there is time for members and guests to socialize before the meeting gets underway. The cost is $25 for members (of any Federation club) and $28 for non-members.

As a wife and mother, Gracey has taken the lead on advocating for parental rights. Beginning in 2018, she started studying the different and very graphic sex education curriculums taught in public schools. She was appalled to find inappropriate and graphic material and started advocating to have them removed from California curriculums.

Working with Informed Parents of California and Informed Parents of Orange County, Gracey is reaching out to parents, grandparents and all Californians who value parental rights over government rights to learn more about the issues within the public-school system. Graphic sex education might have started in California, but radical socialist Democrats are intent on spreading the deviant curriculum to other states. Gracey is part of an effort to help parents in other states keep this from happening to their public-school system.

“Once empowered with information, parents can use that knowledge to protect their children,” explained Gracey.

From the February meeting:

  • Congratulations to Jean Stone for winning the “Mardi Gras Trump” drawing.
  • Survey results: 90 percent believe the Democratic National Committee will not allow socialist Bernie Sanders to be the party’s nominee.

With a school theme for the March meeting, members are encouraged to wear their high school or college colors to the March 21 meeting. The West Orange County club, which serves west Orange County cities and greater Long Beach, welcomes like-minded women and men who want to impact local, state and national politics. Reservations can be made at: