Gaining strength in adversity

While many kids dread the end of summer and the return to school, one Los Alamitos girl is excited to get back to school. For Ava Rich, starting middle school this year is more than just a new adventure, it marks a return to somewhat normalcy for her.

Ava has spent the better part of the past three years, battling Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. The treatments have drained much of once vibrant little girl’s strength, but has not diminished her spirits. She received her last dose of chemotherapy on July 23, 2015. She will need time to regain her physical strength, but is pushing forward to take back her active life.

“I always was in awe of her strength,” her mother Gina said.

Ava’s journey began with what doctor’s thought was a benign cyst on her head. But when her parents went to a dermatologist to have it removed, it soon became apparent that it was much more than originally thought. Her parents, Gina and Todd, soon got the earth-shattering news that changed their lives.

The next two-and-a-half years were spent mostly in hospitals, with Ava going through painful chemo, spinal taps and other invasive procedures. Yet, despite at times needing a wheelchair to get around, Ava continued to keep her spirits up. She did crafts and created gifts for her friends.

The Rich family learned quickly, what only a cancer family can truly understand, that it can be an isolating, lonely and obviously scary journey. They learned to take their lives one day at a time and Ava handled her situation with courage.

“She didn’t complain and always went along with her treatment plan,” Gina said. “I am so very proud of her.”

Ava also noticed that there were other kids going through similar treatments as she was and decided that she wanted to try and help them keep their spirits high in the face of the adversity that they shared. She wanted to deliver toys and gifts to patients to help them stay courageous and soon, The Ava Mae Foundation was born. It is a project that helps raise funds to help kids with cancer. She remembers all too well, how she had to be isolated and how that made her feel.

“Knowing how that felt she wants to be able to bring some happiness to kids even if they can’t leave their room.” Gina said.

Ava used to play soccer and do gymnastics, but those activities are still on hold for her. She hopes to return to those types of things, but for now keeps herself busy by doing DIY hobbies and posting videos on her You Tube channel. She enjoys playing with her brother, and her dogs, Hannah and Dakota, and she has trained them to do a few tricks.

She loves her friends and the beach. For Ava, getting back to the more active things she loves will take time. For now, just starting middle school at Mcauliffe is a happy new step in that direction.

“My heart is so full of admiration for my daughter, I feel like she is truly amazing,” Gina said.