St. Isidore celebrates Veterans Day

(l-R) Pamy, Kristen and Rick Powers, and Jelica Campos at the Children’s Craft table. Courtesy photo
Susan Vega

St. Isidore Historical Plaza celebrated Veterans Day in song. Auld Wives Tales, a banjo & harmonica group from Leisure World and the Veterans Day Quartet made up of three LAUSD alumni and a 9th grader & parent entertained those in attendance with Patriotic music.

Veterans Day Quartet Daniel Rey, Carlos Barceló, Madeline Monteal and Haley Bathurst at the St. Isidore Veterans Day Celebration.
Courtesy photo








A display of service uniforms and memorabilia was in the Hall and hot dogs, chips, lemonade, and cookies were served. Veterans of all the wars and conflicts were recognized and honored.

Veterans honored by St. Isidore.
Courtesy photo