Lebanese immigrant, author to speak at Los Al Chamber

Tony Assali to speak to Los Al Chamber

Tony Assali to speak at Sept. 6 breakfast

A Lebanese immigrant who built an influential business platform in America will speak to the Los Al Chamber of Commerce networking breakfast Friday, Sept. 6.

Tony Assali, the author of “Catch a White Tiger,” will be the guest speaker. The Chamber’s monthly breakfast is held at Maderas Steak & Ribs on Katella beginning at 7:30 a.m.

According to Assali’s website, when civil war broke out in Lebanon, Tony’s home country, his parents sent him to America with just $28 in his pocket. They hoped he would secure a foothold in the US so they could soon join him. But Tony did much more than that—he achieved the American dream.

Do you enjoy hummus? You might wish to thank Tony for bringing the tasty Mediterranean dish to American supermarkets in the 1980s—just one of the many feats of this serial entrepreneur. Along the way, Tony also built million-dollar companies in multiple sectors: apparel, food, retail, and real estate.

Time and again Tony has been rewarded for his kindness and something else—his ability to see business opportunities others can’t—or won’t due to their limited thinking. In his memoir: CATCH THE WHITE TIGER™, Tony reveals the secret to his success: kindness and unflinching confidence in his vision.

Tickets are $25 for members and military, $30 for guests. Attendees, military and members are asked to pre-pay for their tickets on the Chamber’s website, www.losalchamber.org.