Give Moorlach the final boot


I’m horrified that John Moorlach, is AGAIN running for the same seat he occupied from 2005-2015! Moorlach the full-time politician for over 26 years: OC Tax Collector, OC Supervisor, State Senator enjoying the 150,000 annual salaries, 401 k, Health Insurance, Car leases, staff, & nameless perks is back for another round as our 2nd District Orange County Supervisor!

In 2008 Moorlach tried to force Rossmoor to incorporate as a “city” and impose a 9% tax (18-20% today). After failed efforts to force Rossmoor into our adjacent cities of Los Alamitos or Seal Beach, Moorlach’s scheme was to eliminate unincorporated areas & focused on Rossmoor as his likely target. He used false information & data trying to prove Rossmoor was a financial drain on the County. In fact, through the Rossmoor Community Services District our residents cover many of our own basic services and our taxes cover other County services.

Rossmoor waged strong opposition against “Measure U which failed by over 70%! Moorlach’s draconian approach, false & misleading data, arrogant posturing indicate he will try once again to disenfranchise our community.

Remember this history when you vote for our OC Supervisor on March 9.

Let’s give John Moorlach a final boot!


Del Clark

Rossmoor Resident