Los Al commissions seek new applicants

Applications are being accepted now through Dec. 5 by the City of Los Alamitos for the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission along with the Personnel Appeals, Planning and Traffic Commissions.

Applications are being accepted now through Dec. 5 by the City of Los Alamitos for the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission along with the Personnel Appeals, Planning and Traffic Commissions.

The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission consists of 7 members and meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., in the City Council Chamber. It is responsible for advising the City Council in all matters pertaining to public recreation and parks including problems of development of recreation areas, facilities, programs and services. It also formulates policies on recreational services and programming yearly events within the community that promote fine arts. One unexpired position is open, with a term ending December 2014.

The Personnel Appeals Commission consists of 5 members and meets on an as-needed basis. They are responsible for receiving and hearing appeals on personnel matters. One unexpired position is open, with a term ending December 2016.

The Planning Commission consists of 7 members and meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m., in the City Council Chamber. It is responsible for recommendations and implementation of the City’s General Plan and zoning ordinances, as well as review of development proposals. One unexpired position is open, with a term ending December 2015.

The Traffic Commission consists of 7 members and meets monthly on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber. They are responsible for reviewing complaints, requests or suggestions concerning traffic safety conditions, and making recommendations to the City Council. Two positions are open, expiring in December 2016.

Members of City Commissions are appointed, and subject to removal by the City Council and must be qualified electors (registered voters) of the city. No person shall be appointed to a commission who holds any salaried public office or employment within the city government. Commissioners serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. If a member is absent from three consecutive meetings (unless by permission of the Commission expressed in its official minutes), or is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, or ceases to be a qualified elector of the city, the office shall be declared vacant.

Interested residents may contact the City Clerk’s Office for applications and additional information by calling 562-431-3538, Ext. 220. Completed applications must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by Dec. 5, 2013.