Youth offer volunteer service

Young teens planted colorful flowers and shrubs to add color to the planters in front of the Community Center as part of the Los Alamitos Volunteer Program (L.A.V.P.). They were on hand Saturday, March 16, at the Recreation and Community Center for their March Community Services Project.

The Los Alamitos Volunteer Program are for boys and girls the ages of 11-17 years old who are looking to assist their community and earn volunteer hours at the same time.  LAVP members assist the Recreation and Community Services Department in their special events and do monthly community services projects. Past projects include assisting the City of Cypress in their 5/10K Run, the City of Seal Beach in their Run Seal Beach event, and St. Isidore Plaza. Members also have an opportunity to volunteer for City programs such as day camp, youth sports, and pre-school classes.

The deadline for LAVP applications for the summer is April 30.  Please visit for an application or call 562-430-1073 for more information.