Letter writer fear mongering without evidence

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I read with a combination of amazement and dismay Robin Itzler’s fear mongering concerning Cypress potentially moving toward district voting (News-Enterprise 3/30/2022.) Without any evidence, Ms. Itzler states that “Districting would push the city towards disaster.”

While there are pros and cons to districting, there is absolutely no evidence that it (as Itzler states): “would permanently alter Cypress amazing success.” Ms. Itzler proceeds to lob an unfounded cheap shot at Cypress Councilwoman Frances Marquez and accuses her of wanting “to destroy Cypress’ success.”

Considering that one of the positive reasons for districting is to ensure that city officials are more representative, and providing minority candidates a better opportunity to be elected, what exactly is Ms. Itzler trying to infer?

These statements appear to be an unfortunate dog whistle and have no place in decent discourse or representative government.
Tom Moore