Join the fight against human trafficking


The public is invited to St. Irenaeus Health Ministry’s Workshop on Human Trafficking and learn “Why Our Community Needs to join the Fight Against Human Trafficking” on Monday, May 22 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Irenaeus Parish Hall, 5201 Evergreen Ave. in Cypress.
Susan Patterson, Director of Through God’s Grace Ministry, an Advocate in the Fight Against Human Trafficking, and Author of the book, “How You Can Fight Human Trafficking, Over 50 Ways to Join the Fight,” will be the guest speaker at the St. Irenaeus Health Ministry Workshop on Human Trafficking.
Her main focus as an advocate is working with faith communities to facilitate them in taking action to do what God has called them to do to fight against Human Trafficking and prevent our youth, and adults also, from becoming victims of predators.
Human Trafficking is now the second largest and fastest growing illegal criminal enterprise in the United States and is predicted to surpass drugs in a few years.
According to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, over 100,000 kids under age 18 are victimized each year with 70 percent of victims being U.S. citizens and 82 percent involved in sex trafficking.
The Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force (OCHTTF) Victim Report for 2015 identified 225 Human Trafficking victims in Orange County who received services or assistance from them. This includes a Cypress man convicted on March 20 of using social media with the intent of committing lewd acts on a child younger than 14.
Adults, especially parents, guardians, grandparents, youth leaders, teachers, health providers, teachers  and also teenagers 14 years of age and older, are invited to come to the workshop and learn how to recognize Human Trafficking and learn what they can do to stop Human Trafficking.
Lucy Park, a representatives from OCHTTF and Kathi Miranda, from ”Stand Up for Kids,” will have additional information and resources available for people who would like to actively join the fight and help victims of Human Trafficking .
This is a free workshop and reservations are not required. Refreshments will be available at the meeting. For more information, contact Monica Kovach at 310-490-6113.