Carla’s Movie Restaurant publishes microenterprise self-help book

Courtesy photo Hilda Sramek And Leslie A.M. Smith represented Carla’s Movie Restaurant at the CalTASH conference on Friday, March 3, 2023, in Los Angeles, CA.

Carla’s Movie Restaurant (CMR), a local nonprofit dedicated to showcasing emerging artists of all kinds and connecting them to the community, is proud to announce its latest venture: a guidebook that dives deep into the process of creating a microenterprise. Microenterprise Hits the Big Screen – Carla’s Movie Restaurant: A Directorial Debut in Business is now available in print and digitally through Amazon and the Kindle app for just $18.00 and $9.99, respectively.

Penned by Carla Sramek, Hilda Sramek (the founder of CMR), and Leslie A.M. Smith, this cross between a memoir and a guidebook is a testament to what can be possible in a world full of inclusion and community support for individuals of all abilities and disabilities.
“It all started with Carla’s dream,” said Hilda Sramek, Carla’s mother and president of CMR. “We followed her lead and supported what she wanted to do.”

Carla Sramek was in high school when she first spoke of her ambitions to start her own company. Marrying two of her biggest interests, food and film, Carla says she simply wanted to bring people together with art.

“While researching what we needed to do to create a microenterprise, and ultimately registering CMR as a nonprofit, we kept wondering how anyone would know where to start and where to find help,” Hilda added.

Following the suggestion of supporters who shared that a priority has been set for individuals with disabilities to navigate entrepreneurship, CMR decided to write a book to help others to start a microenterprise of their own.

Using CMR as a roadmap and example, the guidebook contains helpful resources and outlines how business hopefuls may take the first steps towards achieving their own dreams.

The book is interactive with fill-in prompts and exercises to help a person build out ideas and keep track of what comes next. The theme of inclusion is present throughout all 86 pages of the book, as it has been throughout Carla’s life. Written from an artist’s point-of-view, this book is the first of its kind, combining business fundamentals while inspiring people with disabilities.

Carla was ostracized while she was very young in the public school system for being different, and through fierce determination and abundant support from her community, she was able to beat the odds and succeed in many ways.

For more information about CMR, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, visit and to buy a copy of the book, visit Amazon at