St. Hedwig teams flex brain muscles

The St. Hedwig Academic Decathlon Teams grabbed the top two spots at the recent Koala Bowl. St. Hedwig “2” team finished in 1st Place, and that St. Hedwig “1” team finished in 2nd Place in their divisions. The results are out of 13 participating schools.

Additional trophies were awarded to St. Hedwig in the following categories:

Top Awards for 6th Grade: 2nd Place and 3rd Place

Top Awards for 7th Grade: 1st Place and 2nd Place

Top Awards for 8th Grade: 1st Place and 3rd Place

Additional certificates were awarded to St. Hedwig in the following categories:

(Only one school was recognized for each of the five subjects – Math, Science, Social Studies, Debate and Physical Challenge).

1st Place finish for St. Hedwig’s 6th Grade Team by Subject: Social Studies, Debate and Physical Challenge.

1st Place finish for St. Hedwig’s 7th Grade Team by Subject: Social Studies, Math and Physical Challenge.

1st Place finish for St. Hedwig’s 8th Grade Team by Subject: Social Studies, Math, Debate, and Physical Challenge.

St. Hedwig’s Academic Decathlon students displayed their hard work and perseverance,  under the guidance of Robert Butler, and the dedicated faculty, staff and parents.