Youth Center celebrates support

It was an evening full of celebration and victory recently at the Youth Center’s final Community Support Campaign night when it was revealed the organization had met their goal of raising more than $115,000 for funding programs in the coming year.

It was an evening full of celebration and victory recently at the Youth Center’s final Community Support Campaign night when it was revealed the organization had met their goal of raising more than $115,000 for funding programs in the coming year.

During the month of April more than 100 volunteer campaigners raised $117,198. The event was chaired by Los Alamitos Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Sherry Kropp. “I’ve enjoyed every minute of it,” she said.

Dr. Kropp continued to say how the Youth Center is a wonderful organization with wonderful leadership, and how the place just feels joyful and loving.

“Every time I step into here, it’s joyful and makes my heart feel good to see what they do for kids,” she said. “I love it!”

During a slide show at the Victory Celebration and Awards Night a quote appeared overhead saying how it’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. With this in mind, the Youth Center has been serving the community since 1952 with the mission statement of  “Transforming lives one child at a time” written on the inside rear of their building.

Indeed, the organization has lived up to its’ mission statement over the last 62 years serving the community with heart and dedication for children and parents alike. More than 3,000 children have been served since the Youth Center opened their doors and started with only 50 kids.

On hand at the celebration and awards was staff member Miles Rubin who works at the Youth Center’s free after school program.  He said, “It feels great to be a part of something that keeps kids safe after school. The kids are great and I love helping out.”

The Youth Center offers summer camps, the “Every 15 Minutes” drunk driving determent program, a leadership academy for older teens, a summer and school year long music program, a Friday “Kid’s Night Out,” and tutoring in their free after school program. It’s through their annual Community Support Campaign donations that they are able to fund scholarships based on financial need for the community.

 “Without our supporters, the people who believe in our mission, we could not be nearly as successful as we are today,” said Youth Center Executive Director Lina Lumme. “

She continued to say that without their supporters that the organization could not survive and how she wants to thank everyone for their involvement in the campaign.

The Youth Center Community Relations Director Lisa Lee expressed how thankful the organization is for the support of the community, and how their valuable work would not be possible without it and the support of so many. As part of their efforts the Youth Center has helped more than 600 parents and families to date to become independent financially, according to Lumme. 

One such parent stepped forward on campaign night and shared how the organization awarded a scholarship so her son could go to summer camp. She said she had lost her job 10 years ago and was pursuing her education, when she was awarded a scholarship for him, and said how it was hard for her as a single parent to be able to afford camp.

“The Youth Center’s ability to offer financial aid scholarships is one way we standout (from other organizations), said Community Relations Director Lisa Lee. With that in mind, Dr. Kropp had said that the community as a whole has to be responsible for all their children, and in the future of their children. 

It’s with this kind of dedication of board members, parents and the community that shined on campaign night as several individuals were recognized by Lumme including Jim and Shirley Bailey (for 50 years involvement with the Youth Center), Tom Stretz (retired Executive Director of the Youth Center and his wife Hattie along with Arnie and Linda Fine (for more than 20 years involvement), and Board Member Debbie Kent for more than 20 years involvement with the Youth Center.

Before the final campaign tally, Kent had said how excited she was to see all the all the volunteers come out and how she thought the Youth Center was going to meet its’ goal for this year.

Another Board Member Alice Melamed was awarded top donor for bringing in $6,714 in in-kind donations while also securing the first ever donation from Hawaii Gardens Casino for $1,000. Also recognized was Board Member Tim Johnson who won top cash campaigner while Board President Shelley Hasslebrink was noted for bringing in $2,250 in donations.

Ending the event was a report for the President’s Round Table donors that include campaign contributions of $1,000 or more. Some of these outstanding donors were Anthony and Peggy Christina, Tom and Tammy Barclay, Joe’s Premium Painting, Ganahl Lumber and Alandale Insurance. The Orange County Neighborhood Newspapers (the News Enterprise, Event News and Sun News) were also recognized for their President’s Round Table donations.

A future donor tree of all of the President’s Round Table donors will be prominently displayed in the Youth Center’s lobby.