Youth Center accepting nominations for ‘A Night Among the Stars’ awards

Top rated and award winning non-profit the Youth Center in Los Alamitos is now accepting nominations for their philanthropic youth awards ceremony the 4th annual A Night Among the Stars until Dec. 15. Individual community members, non-profits,schools, organizations and companies are encouraged to nominate outstanding youth volunteers between the ages of 5 and 18 years old who selflessly give time and talents in making the community a better place.

Top rated and award winning non-profit the Youth Center in Los Alamitos is now accepting nominations for their philanthropic youth awards ceremony the 4th annual A Night Among the Stars until Dec. 15. Individual community members, non-profits,schools, organizations and companies are encouraged to nominate outstanding youth volunteers between the ages of 5 and 18 years old who selflessly give time and talents in making the community a better place. “We want to identify and recognize youth who are giving back and making a difference in somebody’s life no matter how small,” said Youth Center Executive Director Lina Lumme. “If somebody knows of a child who is doing things like helping out an elderly neighbor to bring in trash cans, get the mail or help around their home, we want to recognize their efforts. “This is an event that brings the whole community together and celebrates our youth volunteers who might be young but they are truly making a big difference,” said Lumme. “In the past we have had stellar youth volunteers nominated by Precious Life Shelter, We Care of Los Alamitos, Grateful Hearts, Girl’s Scouts, Los Alamitos Unified School District, the Seal Beach Lion’s Club, Honoring Our Fallen, just to name a few.” The review committee will select 15 outstanding volunteers who will be recognized at the formal red carpet event to be held on Saturday, April 30 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., at The Youth Center. All will receive a Certificate of Recognition, letter of recommendation and will be formally honored. Three volunteers will be selected to receive $500 scholarships, one under the age of 12-years-old and two between the ages of 12 to 18. Additional scholarships will be provided by The Rotary Club of Los Alamitos/Seal Beach, something new this year. In the past three years, various city officials and congressman have also provided additional recognition. To nominate an outstanding youth, submit their name, age, mailing address, parent’s email address, phone number, total hours volunteered, and why they should be recognized for their volunteerism. Selected nominees and their families will receive an invitation to this special event. Submissions can be sent via snail mail, email or fax to The Youth Center. The Youth Center is located at 10909 Oak St., in Los Alamitos, 90720. They can be reached by email at (click on “Contact Us”) and by fax at 562-596-4747.