Summer tennis in full swing

Every weekday morning, all summer long, children take to tennis courts to learn new skills and have some fun. Schools, health care professionals, health insurance companies and more are all working to get children up and moving especially when they have a lot of free time during summer.

At Seal Beach Tennis Center, junior, novice and high school players at the Junior Tennis Camp get the obvious health and cardio vascular benefits, but coaches say they also learn social skills and coping mechanisms they can take into adulthood.

Seal Beach Tennis Center and Los Alamitos High School Coach, Kevin Garrett, says that he is seeing more adults in high stress professions playing tennis. They come both for the Tuesday and Thursday evening adult clinics as well as renting courts to hit with friends and colleagues. The physical exertion is good to keep physically fit, while concentrating on strategy helps clear the day’s mental stresses.

Coach Mark Chavez works with players throughout Seal Beach, Los Alamitos and Long Beach. He says that summer is a great time for competitive players to concentrate on improving technical skills like accurate hitting and serving as well as game strategies. The U.S. Professional Tennis Association says that the strategy work tennis coaches teach leads to better problem solving ability with schoolwork and in the workplace as an adult.

Seal Beach Tennis Center Coach Mickey Yelverton agrees. She has helped students work through mental blocks holding players back on the tennis court that translate into better homework and testing skills in school.

The best news is that tennis is available for everyone from pre-school to well into retirement years. Living in Southern California, tennis is available all year round.

For more information on tennis options visit your local public tennis courts and look for private coach contact information or for Seal Beach Tennis Center contact Director of Tennis, Chuck Kingman at 562-335-3467 for Junior camp, Seal Beach Tennis Center 562-598-8624 for Adult and other programs or visit the website at