More negative news about Cypress

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

How can the Event-NewsEnterprise claim in its front-page banner that it serves Cypress when there was nothing in the newspaper (last week or this week) about the very successful Cypress Community Festival that was held on Saturday, October 1? Do your advertisers know that when it comes to Cypress news, your newspaper prefers negative stories? Goodness – the Cypress Festival had thousands of people (majority from our city) attend the two-day event and not a word in your publication!

There were two negative articles in today’s Event-NewsEnterprise newspaper about Cypress. One was about a woman accusing a man of trying to run over a cat (was he trying to run over the cat?) and she later ran him over. It’s very sad that the man died, and it is news to share, but what about some good news?

The second article was about Cypress City Council Member Frances Marquez again being censured by the city council. Council member Marquez’s high jinks this time was going with two politically like-minded candidates to a local high school and incorporating campaigning into her discussion on civics. For a supposedly educated woman, Marquez should have known better.

So, two negative Cypress articles.

Why not an article with photos about the absolutely fantastic Cypress Community Festival? Your newspaper did not mention anything the week before the event and did not mention anything about the event.

In my opinion, you appear to want to only want to write about negative articles about Cypress. When there is good neighborhood news, such as the Cypress Community Festival, you totally ignore it.


Millie Bricker

Long time Cypress resident