Measure L passes in Cypress


Measure L in Cypress passed on Tuesday with 70 percent of the votes. The measure allows for rezoning of the closed Cypress Golf Course for such things as hospitals, churches, schools and affordable senior housing. There have been reports that developing the land could create nearly 700 jobs.

The patch of land borders on Los Alamitos, raising the question of the impact in terms of things like additional traffic. The golf course closed in 2004.

Measure L in Cypress passed on Tuesday with 70 percent of the votes. The measure allows for rezoning of the closed Cypress Golf Course for such things as hospitals, churches, schools and affordable senior housing. There have been reports that developing the land could create nearly 700 jobs.

The patch of land borders on Los Alamitos, raising the question of the impact in terms of things like additional traffic. The golf course closed in 2004.