McGaugh 4th graders visit Sacramento

McGaugh students paid a visit to the California State Senate floor with Senator Janet Nguyen during the group’s visit to Sacramento recently. Courtesy photo

Recently, more than 125 fourth grade students, teachers and parent chaperones from McGaugh Elementary made the pilgrimage to both San Francisco and Sacramento as the highlight of what has been a year long curriculum into the history, culture, life, and government of our great state of California.
The 4:15 a.m. call time didn’t scare away these enthusiastic seekers of knowledge and fun. The groups flew into the bay area and were on a fast boat to Alcatraz Prison Island before lunch was even a thought. Students spent the morning on a self-guided audio tour through one of the countries most notorious prisons, learning about Al Capone, The Bird Man of Alcatraz, and the Great Escape.
Following a quick lunch, the group spent the afternoon at the San Francisco Exploratorium where they experienced a hands on exhibit of science and nature discoveries and innovations. The trip also included stops on Treasure Island, The Golden Gate Bridge and a Classic Trolley Car ride up historic California Street and through Chinatown. And that was just on day one.
A bus took the students to Sacramento where they stayed in a hotel just a few blocks from the State Capital and just across the river from Old Town Sacramento. Which worked out well since the first thing on the agenda for day two was a trip to the Capital Building where they were greeted by State Senator Janet Nguyen, who happens to represent Seal Beach as an elected official. The Senator stayed to take pictures with the students and to answer questions before she was called to the Senate floor. As a special treat, the Senator introduced and announced the students on the Senate Floor during session.
The afternoon was spent in the mountains about an hour out of town where they met the “Mountain Man” and learned about some of the early settlers of California. They also had an opportunity to pan for gold and learn how to properly throw a hatchet.
On the way back to the airport to head home, the entire group stopped in Old Town Sacramento and the Historic Train Museum for one last lesson and some souvenir shopping.

This article appeared in the June 7, 2017 print edition of the News Enterprise.