LAHS raises more than awareness

As the nation continues to be swept up by the Ice Bucket Challenge that pervades social media, Los Alamitos High School decided to take up the cause as a school-wide fundraiser to try and make a dent in the fight against this currently incurable disease. (Follow @losalamitoshigh on Twitter for more details).

By asking every Los Alamitos High School Griffin-student to contribute at least one dollar to The Orange County Chapter Of The ALS Association, the school was able to raise more than $3,200 overall, as well as increase awareness around the disease that has had a local impact on current families at Los Al and dozens of alumni over the years.

As Richard Catellanos, husband of Carolyn Castellanos who has ALS and is the parent of a Los Alamitos High School student said during the Ice Bucket Challenge ceremony, “What’s important about this challenge is that we keep it going. We don’t want this awareness campaign to just be a fad that fades away.”

Now that Los Al has called out three other local schools (Fountain Valley High School, Edison High School, Huntington Beach High School) and challenged them to raise money in their own Ice Bucket Challenge, this social media phenomenon could gain some more legs and make another lap or two around the fundraising track.

We encourage you to watch Los Al’s Ice Bucket Challenge video as this cause is near and dear to the high school community, and that has impacted the Griffin family directly over the years. The full YouTube video can be found at