“I am truly sorry. I alone am responsible.”

Letter to the Editor

At the last Board meeting, I commented with words I wish I could erase. They were thoughtlessly uttered, and I could not be sorrier. Not only do I apologize to the speakers I offended, but also to every student, parent, and community member who gets up to speak their truth on behalf of our children.

It has been a core value of mine to always listen and respond with respect, openness, and a willingness to seek the best solutions. Obviously by my actions I fell far short of my own expectations and broke trust. To our Los Alamitos School District community, I want to express sincere regret for my words. I hope you can forgive me.

To my former students who are treasures to my heart, I am truly saddened that I have let you down. As we walked through the powerful story of our nation, we often discussed the importance of showing respect, restraint, and a willingness to learn from one another’s perspectives. Please forgive me for not practicing what I asked of you. I will do better.

To administrators, teachers, and staff that have been my family for over 30 years, I am so very sorry for falling short of being the Board member everyone deserves. To my fellow Board members, Dr. Pulver, and Cabinet, I know that my actions ran contrary to how each one of you chooses to walk through this world. There is a common belief that Board members speak with one voice. In this case, that is farthest from the truth. My fellow Board members are the ultimate examples of thoughtfulness, respect, and civility. They have shown me grace while not excusing my actions in any way. Even though I alone should be held accountable, my actions have created unfair turmoil in each one of their lives. I am truly sorry. I alone am responsible.

To family and friends, thank you for your loving concern, but I own this. I am not going to resign because I need to go back to the promises I made to this community and strive to live by the values I believe are the foundation of a free society. Trust is built through actions over time. I know I have broken trust with many of you. For that, I am deeply sorry. I love our children too much to quit now. I promise that I will work with all my heart to do a better job for our staff, students, families, and community. Once again, I want to reaffirm my commitment to serve with dignity and integrity. It is my hope that you will accept my sincere apology.

Marlys Davidson, President
Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Trustees