The Cypress Knights of Columbus Council 8599 at St. Irenaeus Catholic Church is about to begin its drive to provide wheelchairs to military veterans in need of the extra mobility.
Contributions can be made after all St. Irenaeus Masses the weekend of May 27-28 . Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Rick Tkach says the goal this year is to raise $8,750 for 50 wheelchairs, each costing $175.00.
Tkach asks St. Irenaeus parishioners and nearby residents to be generous in this excellent and rewarding example of coming together to help our military Veterans and recognize them for their service to our country.
Payments can be made by checks payable to Knights of Columbus 8599; credit cards will also be accepted. You can also donate online through June 3-4 at the St. Irenaeus website https://sticypress.org/ go to Online Donations, and click on the KofC Wheelchair Drive.
The Knights’ wheelchair program began in 2013, and since then, St. Irenaeus parish donations have purchased nearly 1,500 wheelchairs for veterans.