Nathan and Justin Brewer, known as “The Brewer Boys” are slated to entertain on the Main Stage at this summer’s Cypress Community Festival. These singing brothers from Temecula, California offer a fresh perspective on a variety of musical genres.
The boys’ music style has been aptly dubbed as “Alternative Bluegrass” or “newgrass.” Their career started when they performed at school plays and community events. But the duo really took off after they auditioned for a national singing competition “Can You Duet” in Nashville, Tennessee in 2008.
One of the brother’s biggest achievements to date was their involvement with the first season of the X-Factor USA in 2011 where they moved up to the Top 17 under the group category. They were heard by millions around the globe during their live show as part of this event. Their CD album “Rising” was released in December of 2011.
Carol Fafara, the Entertainment Director for the Cypress Community Festival, has scheduled The Brewer Boys to entertain for the community on Saturday, July 28 at Oak Knoll Park. They will play on the Main Stage of the Festival starting at 3 p.m. There will be many other performers all day long on the Festival’s four stages.
This will be the 32nd year for the Festival which is the signature event for the City of Cypress. As many as 30,000 area residents are expected at the event. Other activities on Festival Day include: The Cypress 5K & 10K Walk/Run, the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, the Cypress Car Show, a chili cook-off and salsa competition, games, rides, food, arts and crafts vendor, the Cypress Chamber Business Expo and much more.
The public is invited to attend this free event. The Festival grounds are located at Oak Knoll Park at 5700 Orange Ave. in Cypress and will be open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Festival information is available online at You may also email to or leave a message at 714-886-9749.