Fullerton College teacher of the year speaks to La Palma AAUW

Photo by Edna Ethington Pictured at the March 21, 2024 meeting of the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW is Professor Jodi Balma before the Question and Answer time of her Presentation.

Jodi Balma, Professor of Political Science at Fullerton College, and voted by students as Teacher of the Year, was the guest speaker at the March 21,2024, meeting of the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in the Auditorium of the ABCUSD at the Cabrillo Lane Adult Education Center, at 2122 Cabrillo Lane in Cerritos. Professor Balma was introduced by La Palma-Cerritos AAUW Branch Member, Tobi Balma.

Professor Jodi Balma came prepared with her laptop computer and a Power Point Presentation with statistical information about “Reproductive Rights-Abortions Post Dobbs.” She explained how the Supreme Court Decision returned the authority to decide about reproductive health back to the states. Because of the Dobbs decision, many challenges have been made that women may face about their reproductive rights especially regarding IVF and the use of medicines that cause abortions.

Jodi also said that many dangers and threats to a variety of human rights are being promoted by White Christian Nationalists with their Project 2025-Mandate for Leadership for Educational Control of seven topics, including No Fault Divorce, Child Labor Laws, LBGTQ+Rights, Ban on Pride Flags, Book Banning, Immigration, and Diversity.
Professor Balma specializes in American politics, and she is one of three teachers in Orange County who focus on California State and local government. Her goal is to help students learn how to think about politics and community problems, with an emphasis on critical thinking and analysis, regardless of political party or ideology. She helps students to understand how they can become involved in politics by working with community leaders to find solutions.

Professor Balma said that young people may not get involved in politics because they may think that their votes may not matter. She showed statistics that In California, 75 % of “older than 50” people voted, and only 28% of “under 50” voted. She said that many voters in the 18-34 age group were not taught how to vote. She said that young voters should do research for the people they are voting for, and not just automatically vote for incumbents.

All voters should do research about candidates running for office and the propositions that are being considered before voting.

Joan Pylman, Administrative Assistant for the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW, thanked Professor Balma for her dynamic presentation about Reproductive Rights and Abortions and the importance of voters doing research and critical thinking before voting.
Joan Pylman invited members and guests to come to the next meeting of the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW on Thursday, April 18, 2024, starting with a Social Time at 6:30 p.m. and a Presentation of the Branch’s two Academic Achievement Awards winners at 7:00 p.m. at the Auditorium of the ABCUSD Cabrillo Lane Adult Education Center at 2122 Cabrillo Lane in Cerritos. Election of Officers for 2024-2025 will follow the presentation.

For more information, contact Joan Pylman at 562-865-6592.