Rossmoor Woman’s Club donates 120 backpacks

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The Rossmoor Woman’s Club recently donated 120 school backpacks and $150 in gift cards to the California National Guard Family Assistance Center at the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base. CalGuard Family Specialist Cara Borm said the packs are scheduled to be distributed on Aug. 20 at the base, and they will be available to families with a member in any branch of the service stationed at any area base. The woman’s club has provided backpacks to the center for more than a dozen years, missing only 2020, when the Covid pandemic forced schools to turn to online learning. Pictured, from left, Rossmoor Woman’s Club member Nina Millar, President Sue Goldberg, CalGuard Lead Soldier and Family Specialist Christina Gonzalez, CalGuard State Family Director Jennifer Lucero, CalGuard Family Specialist Cara Borm, and RWC Board Members Cathy Fagen (front) and Lorena Bartlett (back).