Rossmoor embarks on new street sweeping schedule in 2022

Take note of new Rossmoor street sweeping schedule. Courtesy illustration.

Following a decades long street sweeping dilemma, the Rossmoor Community Services District has announced a new vendor and a new schedule that they believe could alleviate many of the logistical problems experienced by the community, according to General Manager Joe Mendoza.

Under the direction of the RCSD Board of Directors, Mendoza worked with Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley and other OC officials to develop the new plan. In addition, Foley assisted the community by providing the additional funding required to switchover to the new plan.

Mendoza said the RCSD is expected to sign an agreement in December that will provide services for street sweeping services for 2022 in Rossmoor. He said the new schedule will begin in January.

“We are reaching out to residents to bring awareness of the importance of street sweeping and to remind residents of the days your streets are swept,” he said in a press release. Under the new schedule, residents with odd numbered addresses will be serviced on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month while even numbered residences will be served on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.

He said the new scheduled is expected to provide badly needed alternative parking for Rossmoor residents.

“Many residents are unaware that street sweeping is not provided just for the beautification of our community,” he said, “but more importantly, it’s for the benefit of our environment.”
Mendoza said the more obvious benefit is the collection and removal of paper, leaves, and other visible debris that collect in the gutters. This debris can block storm water facilities, causing localized flooding during heavy rains. An equally important, but less visible benefit is the removal of metal particles and other hazardous waste products left by motor vehicles.

Although they are virtually invisible, these particles can be extremely harmful to fish and other wildlife if they reach our creeks, rivers, beaches, and bays. Street sweeping is an effective method of removing both the large and microscopic pollutants that collect on community streets, he said.

“Unfortunately, for every vehicle parked on the street on sweeping day, the sweepers have to maneuver the length of two cars to safely service the street; leaving over 40 feet un-swept,” said Mendoza.

He said the new schedule will provide convenience for Rossmoor residentrs and “help keep our oceans, streets, and storm drains clean by keeping our services effective.”
The RCSD is urging residents to take notice of the new street sweeping schedule.

“Please reference your street’s days of service and move parked cars between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm on these days,” said Mendoza.