Letter to the Editor: Locals loved the JFTB tour

Dear Editor,
My husband and I took the bus tour of the Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB), Los Alamitos, this past week and had a wonderful time!  If you haven’t taken the tour, you are missing an amazing adventure right in our own back yard. The M-16 firing simulation range was the tour highlight for me!
I have lived in Seal Beach/Rossmoor and been to the Base many times.  I thought I had seen it all.  Wow, not even close to what I experienced on the Base tour.
All the Base personnel were awesome — special thanks to our hosts, Dean Grose, Los Alamitos City Council, and Colonel Richard Lalor, JFTB Public Affairs Officer.
The next tour is August 18, 1:00pm – 3:30pm.  Free to the public. To reserve your space on the tour, contact the JFTB Public Affairs Officer, richard.w.lalor2.vol@mail.mil.

Laurie Fulton