KC’s stage successful blood drive at St. Irenaeus

KC Blood Drive

Yet again, as it has for more than a decade, the Knights of Columbus Council 8599 of St. Irenaeus Parish in Cypress teamed with the Red Cross as part of its annual lifesaving cause.

Throughout the afternoon of August 6th, donors filled all appointments to give blood in the St. Irenaeus Church Hall.

According to the Red Cross, 41 units were collected, exceeding the expected 33 units.  Thanks to the Knights and Red Cross, this will save more than 120 lives, and shows how the short amount of time it takes to donate can mean a lifetime to a patient with a serious medical condition.

Grand Knight Richard Tkach said “hosting a blood drive coincides with one of the Council’s missions of ‘Leave No Neighbor Behind’ by giving back to the local community”.  And Tkach added, “with a simple blood donation, we have the ability to help save the life of a loved one, neighbor or co-worker, and the Knights extend a hearty thanks to all donors, Red Cross workers and volunteers.”

NOTE TO EDITOR:  FOR PHOTO CAPTION: Council Recorder Frank Faecke donates blood as Susan Child of the American Red Cross makes sure all goes well.

Photo Credit:  Irv Cuevas