Heartfelt thanks from Los Al Unified School Board

LAUSD and partners offering mental health workshops to parents.

Dear Los Alamitos Unified School District Communities,
May is the month that traditionally reminds us that we need to take a little time to appreciate what we have and to thank those who have helped us. We have just celebrated Mothers’ Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, School Employees Week and the Week of the Administrators.

The Board of the Los Alamitos Unified School District wants to acknowledge all the incredible work that has been done by staff during this Covid-19 sheltering. To say that was a Herculean feat is an understatement. It was the work of hundreds of people saying they wanted to do what is best for our students no matter the situation and putting in countless hours to make it happen. We are so proud of staff for their commitment to our children! There is really no way for us to express our gratitude and appreciation.

As a Board, we witness the constant support and the incredibly generous sharing of resources by individuals, families, community organizations, city governments and businesses. Our community never stops caring about and investing in our school district and our students. And for that, we are all tremendously grateful. None of us could imagine living in a better community or raising children in a better place. The theme Dr. Pulver chose for this school year is Better Together. We are sure he didn’t know how appropriate and meaningful that saying would become! But we are all Better Together and we want to let our communities know how thankful we are of their support.

To everyone, we thank you for your support. The thanks comes from our hearts.
Meg Cutuli, President Board of Education
Marlys Davidson, Vice-President Board of Education
Dave Boyer, Member Board of Education
Diana Hill, Member Board of Education
Karen Russell, Member Board of Education