Director Tony DeMarco elected RCSD president

There was little agreement between the new Rossmoor Community Services District when it came to electing officers at their Jan. 10 meeting, as the new Board split 3-2 on top officers.

Nathan Searles, 2nd Vice President had been operating the meetings since President Rips was not re-elected and 1st Vice President Mark Nitikman did not run for re-election.
Before getting down to business in 2023, the Directors elected officers for the current year.

Director Dr. Jeffrey Barke nominated Tony DeMarco as President, as Michael Maynard seconded the nomination. Jo Shade, who also won a seat in 2022, nominated Nathan Searles. Searles seconded the nomination.
In the first vote, Directors voted for DeMarco, with Barke, Maynard, and DeMarco winning 3-2.

The same split occurred in the vote for First Vice President, Barke nominated Maynard, and Demarco seconded the motion, while Shade nominated Searles, who seconded the nomination.

The vote was again split 3-2, with Barke, DeMarco and Maynard voting for Maynard, who was elected.
Maynard then nominated Shade for 2nd Vice President, a nomination also seconded by DeMarco, which passed unanimously after there were no further nominations for the post.