Dear Editor,
I’ve lived in Cypress for 50 years and this is the most important election in 20 years. There are five wonderful candidates for Cypress City Council, who are interested in fiscal responsibility and transparency. Two of the candidates are associated with the most troubling year in our wonderful history:
- A YES vote for the fiscally irresponsible “NO BID” trash contract extending it to 2037. We have a 15% higher bill than Los Alamitos and less services.
- Looked the other way when it was revealed Cypress Councilmen Jon Peat and Paolo Morales had taken $45,000 in PAC campaign donations from Valley Vista Sanitation.
- Looked the other way when City Attorney Gallante sent a threatening letter to a Cypress citizen for expressing her freedom of speech.
- Made no pledge to stop the trash transfer in the city yard that made the Channel 5 news. Our neighbors are suffering from noise and dust.
- An extension of the City Manager’s contract (Peter Grant) to 12 months of severance pay. A $425,000 burden for the taxpayers and poison pill for a future city council
- The appointed “incumbent” passed no legislation during his 2 years on the Council; only passed a Valley Vista agenda.
- Made no pledge to stop PAC contributions (“dark money”) from Developers & Valley Vista that has corrupted the democratic process.
If you care about our city, I urge you to do your homework before voting. Every vote counts!
Tom Moore