Can’t get a straight answer

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

It seems that no matter what is written or said, it is extremely difficult to actually get a straight answer.

Art Oster gives typical Democrat answers that really don’t answer the questions.
Trump cult?

Not really. He is just the first politian in a long time to express the views of many conservative Americans.

I don’t think any one could argue that he is the greatest speaker, has the best personal aura, etc.

What intelligent people like is his message.

If he didn’t have a good message, nobody would support him.

Anyone who votes against someone because they don’t like the way they comb their hair, or the way they talk, or votes for someone because they have a nice smile or calls the other guy a racist because he wants to do his job–represent the American people–may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

So, Art Oster side steps the ISSUES and deflects to a cute answer about increasing Event-News Enterprise circulation.

Why doesn’t he answer the important questions I asked him?

How do you like what Joe Biden has done?How do you like his cabinet, etc., appointments?
New questions:

Do you like the direction that the democrats are pushing this country towards?
Why didn’t Biden and Obama fix these problems when they had the White house for 8 yrs?
Or Joe Bidden for the 36 yrs that he was a Senator?
Is Joe Biden really mentally or physically capable of leading our great nation?
What was Joe Biden’s greatest achievement that influenced you to vote for him?
Have the democrats done anything to improve race relations?

I could add many more questions, but it wouldn’t be of any use.
Like I said, it is very hard to get a straight answer.

Glenn Kovanda