AAUW will be having their general meetings through Zoom

Pictured at the La Palma-Cerritos AAUW fundraiser at Mimi’s in Cerritos on February 8, 2020 are, l to r in the back row, branch Founding Member Tobi Balma, guest speaker Elsie Carbajal, and AAUW Fund VP Faith Herschler. Front row, l to r, Alberta Brose’s family of granddaughter Keri Cassidy Busino, daughter Chris Cassidy, and granddaughter-in law Katherine Cassidy.

The La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will be having their Board and General Meetings virtually through Zoom in 2021, unless the pandemic problem improves. Members and potential members who wish to participate in the virtual meetings can contact the following people for more information:

1. Co-Membership VP Joan Flax, at 562-860-0642, for January 13,2021, 2-4 p.m. January Membership Celebration. Contact Joan by Tuesday, January 12 for registration information.
2. Co-Program VP Karen Cox, at 562-519-0596, for January 21, 2021, 6:30-8:30 General

Meeting, with Presentation at 7:00 p.m. on “Racism” by Whitney High School’s Black Alumni, with guest speakers Mrs. Megan Ashley-King Mitchell, M. ED., and educator Jennifer Brooker, ABC Unified School District. Contact Karen by Wednesday, January 20 for registration information.

Board meetings for the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW are held virtually on the first Thursdays on the month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Contact President Beverly Zwick for input to the meeting agenda.

General meetings of the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW are also held virtually on the third Thursdays of the month at night from 6:30-8:30 p.m., or during the afternoon from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. For future General Meeting Program information, contact Program co-VP Karen Cox at 562-860-0642 for times and agendas of meetings.