Dreamotion Studios short film made by McGaugh 5th grader premieres in...

It’s hard to understand how a few minutes of celluloid and music can evoke such powerful emotions, but such was the case Sunday as...

LAEF celebrates 15 years, hosts royal visit

The Los Alamitos Education Foundation (LAEF) is thrilled to celebrate Year 15 of its Summer Enrichment Institute (SEI) program this year. Each year, SEI...

Dreamotion Studios short film made by McGaugh 5th grader premieres in...

It’s hard to understand how a few minutes of celluloid and music can evoke such powerful emotions, but such was the case Sunday as...

Irish shine at 7 x 7 tourney

Kennedy High’s football team took 2nd place in the recent Troy Clash of Champions passing tournament in Fullerton. Passing tournaments pit seven players against...





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West Orange Republicans host candidate town hall

At the January meeting of the West Orange County Republican Women Federated (WOC RWF), the club hosted a Grassroots Townhall featuring candidates ranging from...

West Orange Republicans schooled on community engagement

At the August meeting of the West Orange County Republican Women Federated, the members dressed in summer and patriotic attire and gathered to socialize,...

Cypress could use election reform

By David Burke At recent Cypress City Council meetings, Council Members Frances Marquez and Jon Peat attacked each other based on the money behind their...

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