Students get tested in dangers of texting while driving

Los Alamitos High School recently received a visit from an organization called Text Kills, which brought a bus, and some exercises designed to help students understand just how dangerous distracted driving can be.


Los Alamitos High School recently received a visit from an organization called Text Kills, which brought a bus, and some exercises designed to help students understand just how dangerous distracted driving can be.

The emphasis is on texting while driving. Students had a chance to try and navigate computer games and remote control cars while being asked to read simulated text messages or having their vision temporarily blocked.

The bus is a part of Text Kills, a trademarked organization that has gained national attention for its efforts to engage and educate young drivers. The bus was making a southern California tour, as part of National Teen Driver Safety Week, in October. Students who took a pledge to not text while driving, as well as not text someone they knew was driving, were allowed to sign the outside of the bus.

For more on Text Kills visit or call 949-436-TEXT (8398).