Steggell vying for La Palma Council

La Palma realtor Michele Steggell has decided it’s “her time” to run for City Council.

Addressing a crowd of nearly 200 well-wishers and supporters in La Palma City Park Saturday, Steggell said she has three goals for the city.

Those goals include: public safety, fiscal responsibility and improving the quality of life in La Palma.

La Palma realtor Michele Steggell has decided it’s “her time” to run for City Council.

Addressing a crowd of nearly 200 well-wishers and supporters in La Palma City Park Saturday, Steggell said she has three goals for the city.

Those goals include: public safety, fiscal responsibility and improving the quality of life in La Palma.

“Four years ago, I was asked by several people to run for City Council, but ‘now’ is the right time,” said Steggell as she addressed those attending her kickoff. “The people are saying we need a woman on council, so I decided to give it a try.”

Steggell is a 44-year resident of La Palma, where she attended Walker Junior High School and graduated from John F. Kennedy High School.

“As a realtor, Michele has walked all of the streets of La Palma and knows the community,” said former La Palma mayor Keith Nelson. “She has been very active in the city and it’s always important to have divergent views,” he said.

“Michele is an amazing person,” said Jan Jensen. “I know her through the Kiwanis, where she has scheduled more than 37 educational and informative programs for our group and she supports education.”

Jensen explained that Steggell has helped with projects for children in the community with pancake and hotdog events to raise money for schools and the community.

“She has helped with goodie bags for the 1st CEB Marine Battalion and participated with a bowling fundraiser and organized fundraisers for Kiwanis projects along with the Relay For Life and is already planning the 2015 Relay,” Jensen said.

“Michele has lived in the city since she was 1 year-old, and is truly committed to this city and that’s why I support and invite you to support Michele Steggell for the 2014 City Council,” Jensen concluded.

It’s true that Steggell is no stranger to community service, as she is currently a member of La Palma’s Activities and Beautification (CAB), a board member and Block Caption of the Neighborhood Watch, the program director of the Kiwanis Club and will be the 2014/15 Secretary.

She works with the Cypress Americana College Foundation, where she helps with the Auction and she’s also an Americana La Palma Committee Member.