Turn the light on the heinous crime of human trafficking! Join us on Tuesday, February 4, from 6:55 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at St. Irenaeus Catholic Church in the Solidarity Walk and Prayer Vigil to Honor Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking. St. Irenaeus Church is located at 5201 Evergreen Ave., Cypress, 90630.
Human trafficking occurs in every zip code. Come and learn how to protect our youth and our community. The procession within the church will include a brief stop at four stations, each focusing on one aspect of human trafficking. The four main topics that will be addressed are: 1) Child labor trafficking, 2) Romance scams and modern slavery, 3) Online risks (cyberflashing, AI, sextortion), 4) The Trafficking Survivors Relief Act, and a positive survivor story of changing darkness into light.
The event will begin with Taize Prayer at 6:55 PM, followed by a candlelit procession within the church. This procession will educate and raise awareness of how the crime of human trafficking affects every community through the commercial exploitation of adults and children, the online vulnerability of our youth, and labor trafficking.
Join the fight against human trafficking by uniting with others as a sign of solidarity for all affected by this cruel crime and as a symbol of our dedication to honoring the victims and survivors. Find out what you can do to help stop human trafficking. This is a way to put our love into action by walking for courage, hope, and justice. If you have questions about this free event, contact Monica Kovach, Chair of Bridge of Light: Human Trafficking to Human Triumph Ministry (part of Health Ministry) at 310-490-6113.