When students at Frank Vessels Elementary School wanted to send letters of encouragement to a soldier serving overseas, the group made their effort a little more personal than most.
The Cypress school students not only found a specific soldier to correspond with, but found one who is from Cypress. Command Sergeant Major Ronald Cabrera has served multiple tours of duty overseas and most recently in Afghanistan. He is a Cypress resident.
When he was deployed last year 3rd graders from the class of Kristine Conwell wrote him super star letters telling him about themselves, praising him for his bravery, and encouraging him to stand strong. Before he returned he wrote each of them a personal letter and sent them each a star that had been cut from a soon to be retired American flag. Theflag was flown on an A-10 jet mission.
Conwell did not immediately disclose his responses to her students, but rather waited until he returned and invited Cabrera to visit the class and personally present the letters and stars to the students.
On Dec. 20, Cabrera visited the school, where the now fourth grade students joined Conwell’s current third graders and met with Cabrera. He presented the students with their stars and also gave Conwell a picture and flag that had been flown on a mission in Afghanistan on Veterans Day in 2013. It also included a certificate that was signed by his crewmembers on that flight.
Cabrera spoke to the students about the importance of being responsible and respectful. He noted that he liked the school’s “Pawsitive Behaviors” rule that requires students to be respectful, responsible, safe and ready to learn.