Six ‘Superior’ scores for Los Al


Los Alamitos Intermediate Drama students competed at the Fullerton College High School Theatre Festival this past weekend on March 18 and 19.  The festival started in 1981 and has since grown to be one of the most prestigious and competitive in Orange County. Moreover, the size and scope of competition levels make the FJC High School Theatre Festival one of the most accessible in California. In the recent years, between 1,500 and 2,000 students have participated annually in a wide range of dramatic and theatre arts skills competitions that require upwards of 150 judges to adjudicate.
This year, 61 schools competed in a variety of categories over the two days. This was the first time Los Al High School Intermediate Drama students competed, and they produced excellent scores. Milica Vrzic made it to finals in Contemporary Dramatic Monologue, placing her in the top 10 out of over 150 monologues performed. Six students received scores of “superior” in the category they competed.  They include:
• Milica Vrzic- Contemporary dramatic monologue
• Melanie Tanaka- contemporary dramatic monologue
• Tigre Ferguson- Classical Dramatic Monologue
• Kaylee (Jaq) McKay- Classical Humorous monologue
• Ahmad (Ari) Ishqair and Owen Marubayashi- Contemporary dramatic ensemble
• Rylee Burchett, Greg Johnson, Josh Michaels- Contemporary comic ensemble
Los Al students gave successful performances in all other categories as well. They represented Los Al with dignity, maturity, and confidence. They were incredibly supportive of their fellow teammates as well as showing excellent character in supporting other schools.
Under the direction of Drama Teacher, Mrs. Stacy Castiglione, the Los Alamitos Drama Department has grown in its size, number of productions, and number of students earning accolades for their achievements.
The Los Alamitos High School Drama Department will be performing a production of Ian Wooldridge’s adaptation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm.  Performances are April 21, 22, and 23 in the Los Alamitos Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $12 pre-sale and $15 at the door.   Please visit for more information.