Republican club offers scholarships

Pictured are the 2016 Scholarship recipients Sydney Ahmed and Grace Yoon. Courtesy photo.

The Rossmoor-Los Alamitos Republican Women Federated club is seeking local male and female students who would like to submit an essay to be selected for one of two scholarships that will be awarded at the club’s scholarship luncheon on June 10. Interested students would complete an application and essay explaining “The Importance of Amendment #___.” The deadline is March 31.
• $1,000 – awarded by club members
• $500 – Dorothy Sharp Memorial Scholarship.

The Rossmoor-Los Alamitos Republican Women Federated club is seeking local male and female students who would like to submit an essay to be selected for one of two scholarships that will be awarded at the club’s scholarship luncheon on June 10. Interested students would complete an application and essay explaining “The Importance of Amendment #___.” The deadline is March 31.
• $1,000 – awarded by club members
• $500 – Dorothy Sharp Memorial Scholarship.
The club’s scholarship committee reviews the essays in May, making their determination without knowing the identity of the student.
“In this way, we are focusing solely on the student’s essay along with his or her other scholastic and extra-curricular activities,” said Scholarship Committee Chairwoman Stephanie Janji.
The two scholarships will be awarded on Sat., June 10, at the club’s annual scholarship fundraiser at Old Ranch Country Club. “The event is a wonderful time for members and guests to gather together to recognize how our efforts will assist two local students with their college expenses,” said club President Nancy Hathcock adding, “And this year it’s going to be a western-themed event, which will be a lot of fun.”
For more information about the scholarship and to obtain an application, contact Stephanie Janji at or

–This article appeared in the March 8, 2017 print edition of the News Enterprise.