Parking on Los Al Blvd. to be studied

Parking on Los Al Blvd. to be studied

Los Al’s Traffic Commission will be studying the effect of stripping parking at certain locations on the West side of Los Alamitos Blvd. The study will look at the area between Hedwig Rd. and Katella Ave. to see the effect of 20-25 feet of curbs being painted red near five driveways as indicated on a map provided by city staff (see right). After the study is complete, the commission will review whether it will recommend the new “no parking” areas on the street to Los Al’s City Council.
The commission’s study was brought up while the council was wrapping up a separate parking study at its monthly meeting on Monday April 18.
While hammering out parking time limits in the same area, Councilmember Troy Edgar said he’d like to see all the parking stripped from that block of Los Al Blvd.
“I don’t think there is any room for parking over there because every time you pull out of Fortune Cookie’s parking lot you’re gambling with your life because you can’t see,” said Edgar.
Once the commission finishes its study, Edgar suggested that the council look at the area again to decide whether parking should be allowed at all there.
“If the commission’s study results that parking does need to be changed then [it won’t] be because the council says it’s dangerous but because it is dangerous,” said Edgar.
The parking study came about as a result of resident David Burgess’ request for the city to consider painting curbs red in that area. Burgess requested the parking change because he said he’s witnessed several traffic accidents involving cars exiting from those driveways, which usually has cars parked right up to the driveway.
This is Burgess’ second request to the city in three years to do so.
Los Al’s City Council agreed to Edgar’s request and will revisit parking in that area once the commission concludes its study.
For more information call 562-431-3538 ext. 101.