Overnight parking on Los Al Blvd. restricted

Katella Ave. will be studied by Los Al’s Traffic Commission to determine how a “no overnight” parking restriction would effect residents who live nearby.
Parking on Los Alamitos Blvd. will soon be restricted during the hours of 2 a.m.-6 a.m. following a unanimous vote to do so by Los Al’s City Council on May 16.
During the meeting, Mayor Richard Murphy and the rest of the council agreed it was too soon to approve parking restrictions on both streets since the impact to residents that use the parking has not been studied.
“I really want to slow this down,” said Murphy at the meeting. “It’s a great idea but we are going to impact some people that we don’t know about and we should consider them.”
A few residents that live in “apartment row,” as Murphy put it, urged the city council to analyze the impact before implementing the restriction.
“You should notice people in the area because I don’t think people know this is happening,” said Gerri Mejia during the public comment period of the meeting.
Giving residents a chance to be heard was backed by Murphy as he noted the restriction felt rushed.
“We mentioned this at the last council meeting and now it’s already back to us. I feel like we’ve rushed this, we haven’t had any hearing,” said Murphy. “I’d like to kick it back to the traffic commission and let them look at it.”
The timing felt right to the city council for Los Al Blvd. and now the wheels of enforcement are currently in motion. Residents can expect the new restriction on Los Al Blvd. to begin being enforced as early as August of this year. The timeline included in the city staff report says installation of the new signs will go up in July.
Time-limited parking
Los Al’s City Council concluded another long parking debate during the May 16 meetin with the implementation of time-limited parking throughout various areas in the city. The biggest change came down right before the new restrictions were voted upon.
Mayor Murphy led the change for four-hour parking on Los Al Blvd. between Florista and Catalina Ave. Parking in front of senior living homes on Florista was changed to a three-hour time limit.