Our Los Al Unified experience has been good

Dear Editor,

The comments that we are about to share are based on 42 years of interactions with the Los Alamitos School District.

Our 2 children were students in the district and now we have 2 grand children who are students in the district. Our daughter has disabilities and was a special ed student from the time she was 2 years old.

We had many meetings throughout her school years. We were always treated with respect by school personnel even though we didn’t always agree with what services our daughter needed. We have always thought that the district has made every effort to provide policies and procedures that allowed all students to maximize their potential. They met the challenge of the Covid epidemic in a professional manner. They were able to provide education to students in spite of contradictory information and directives from the state.

In many cases these directives changed from day to day. The district should be applauded for how they handled this very stressful period of time. People who have children want to live in Los Alamitos, to a large extent, based on the tradition of success that has been established in our district. We hope that the board is given the chance to do what needs to be done to ensure that the tradition continues.  They should be given the opportunity to continue working to provide the best education for the students of the district.

Mark and Kathy Lindholm

Los Alamitos