Naval Weapons Station changes leadership

Captain Terry Auberry took his ceremonial final piping ashore on Friday as he retired after 38 years of service in the U.S. Navy. Auberry’s final command was the Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach and the Navy Munitions Command, CONUS West Division.

Auberry, who had led NWSSB since 2009, was relieved of his command in a simultaneous retirement and Change of Command ceremony at the NWSSB. Captain Martin Hardy III assumed command after Auberry spoke to the large group of guests, dignitaries, and his crew.

Captain Terry Auberry took his ceremonial final piping ashore on Friday as he retired after 38 years of service in the U.S. Navy. Auberry’s final command was the Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach and the Navy Munitions Command, CONUS West Division.

Auberry, who had led NWSSB since 2009, was relieved of his command in a simultaneous retirement and Change of Command ceremony at the NWSSB. Captain Martin Hardy III assumed command after Auberry spoke to the large group of guests, dignitaries, and his crew.

Auberry thanked his staff and crew for the successes they have achieved, and attributed them to the crews of the weapons station and munitions command. After a long and distinguished career, Auberry said the crew he has worked with in Seal Beach made his final post his best.

“It has been the absolute best tour of my entire Navy career,” Auberry said. “I’m so proud to have worked with each and every one of you.”

Auberry has served in stations in South Carolina, Texas and Guam, among others. His family was in attendance and Auberry struggled with his emotions as he thanked his mother, wife and children for their support over the years.

Auberry has received multiple awards during his career, including a Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal and a Navy Commendation Medal with three gold stars. He received his bachelors from Charleston Southern University and his Masters from Texas A&M.

The term “piping” originates from naval tradition, when visiting officers boarded other ships, and were hauled aboard by the crew on a Bos’n chair and pulley. The crew was called to duty by the blowing a pipe whistle. The pipe whistle was again put in service as Auberry handed over command to Captain Martin “Tripp” Hardy III. Hardy assumed command with a traditional, “I relieve you, sir,” to Auberry.

Hardy graduated from Auburn University and received a Masters from George Washington University, while serving in the Navy since 1984. He has served in a variety of command positions and as an Operations Officer and Combat Systems Officer. He had been at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach for several days, getting brought up to speed on the station by Auberry. He noted that the accomplishments of the station and its crew and said he thinks they will continue to keep the station among the best in the Navy.

“I look forward to the future and working with all of you,” he told the crew in attendance.

The Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach was named the winner of the 2012 Navy Installation Excellence Award for Small Installations. It has also won numerous other awards, including environmental awards for its care of the wildlife that call the station home.