Los Al hockey player in high school showcase

Los Alamitos High School junior Keanu Maunula has been selected as a California participant for the High School Hockey Showcase in Pittsburgh, Pa.
The showcase, which runs April 19-24, will have 24 boys’ teams from across the United States representing 43 States competing and showing their talents to scouts from every major hockey institution in the country.
The event is designed to allow high school juniors and seniors from around the country who do not traditionally get scouted due to geographic and budgetary constraints the opportunity to compete against the best of the best during a five day period.
Maunula, an Anaheim Ducks High School Hockey League All-Star, lead the Griffins Varsity squad in goals and overall points during the 2016-17 season.
Also, Keanu served as an alternate captain for the Griffins.

This article appeared in the April 5, 2017 print edition of the News Enterprise.