Los Al High girl is Miss SB


A new Miss Seal Beach was crowned on Sunday, March 9 in the pageant held in the Performing Arts Center on the campus of Los Alamitos High School.


A new Miss Seal Beach was crowned on Sunday, March 9 in the pageant held in the Performing Arts Center on the campus of Los Alamitos High School.

Clare Draskovich, 17, who was a member of the 2013 Miss Seal Beach Court, won the title and will perform the duties that come with the position.

There was excitement in the air throughout the evening as the contestants went through their paces, competing in various aspects of the pageant, delighting friends and family members who came out to lend their support.

The girls in the pageant were all excited about their night in the spotlight as their family members and friends watched the pageant unfold from their seats in the auditorium.

It was an evening for fun and friendly competition to see who had the most talent, charm and poise to represent the seaside city at functions over the next year. While the judges said the choice was a difficult one, they eventually chose a new Miss Seal Beach to carry on the tradition. They eventually signaled to Rosie Ritchie, the event’s coordinator and the pageant director, that their work was done. The excitement reached its peak as Draskovich was crowned by last year’s Miss Seal Beach, Jessica Jenkins, as Miss Seal Beach 2014.

Shelby Snyder was also crowned Miss Teen Seal Beach.

There were also some moving speeches during the evening by Jenkins and other retiring members of the Miss Seal Beach Court. This included the outgoing Miss Teen Seal Beach, Savannah Finch.

The responsibilities that come with serving on the Miss Seal Beach Court include attending various community functions, such as mixers as well as performing volunteer work at Ronald McDonald House for families of children cancer patients and the court’s No Bullies campaign.

The following are the members of the Court and the runners up:

Miss Seal Beach:  Claire Draskovich

1st. Alexis Bach

2nd Cailey Yellam

3rd Hailey Cobb

Miss Teen Seal Beach: Shelby Snyder

1st. Pauline Foster

2nd Jade Kaiser

3rd Maddie McCulloch

Jr. Miss Seal Beach: Dira Isabella Collaro

1st Chelsea Linton

2nd Katelyn Dominik

3rd Siena Betance-Sanchez