Local Republican club installs new Board of Directors

Pictured from left to right: Theresa Murphy–co-First Vice President Programs, Patricia Eskenazi–Recording Secretary, Robin Itzler–Corresponding Secretary (and Publicity), Nancy Hathcock–President, Paula Prizio–Parliamentarian Orange County Republican Women Federation, Chris Barnes–Treasurer, Doris Castillo George–Second Vice President, Katherine Gerdis–Vice President Ways and Means, Fran Barszcz–Parliamentarian. Courtesy photo

The Rossmoor-Los Alamitos Republican Women Federated club installed its 2017 board of directors during the club’s December holiday luncheon at Old Ranch Country Club.
Paula Prizio, Parliamentarian Orange County Republican Women Federation, conducted the installation during the afternoon event. Nancy Hathcock, who has been president since 2014, begins her second two-year term. Other board members are:
• Mari Barke, co-First Vice President Programs
• Chris Barnes, Treasurer

The Rossmoor-Los Alamitos Republican Women Federated club installed its 2017 board of directors during the club’s December holiday luncheon at Old Ranch Country Club.
Paula Prizio, Parliamentarian Orange County Republican Women Federation, conducted the installation during the afternoon event. Nancy Hathcock, who has been president since 2014, begins her second two-year term. Other board members are:
• Mari Barke, co-First Vice President Programs
• Chris Barnes, Treasurer
• Fran Barszcz, Parliamentarian
• Doris Castillo George, Second Vice President
• Marjean Clements, Membership Secretary
• Patricia Eskenazi, Recording Secretary
• Katherine Gerdis, Vice President Ways and Means
• Robin Itzler, Corresponding Secretary (and Publicity)
• Theresa Murphy, co-First Vice President Programs
To learn more about the club and how you can make friends, have fun and promote Republican values, contact Castillo George at 562-972-3279 or GrammyDorie@verizon.net.