Leadership Academy taking sign-ups

Young adults can earn how to handle real-world challenges for life beyond high school at the 5th annual Youth Center Leadership Academy running from July 24 to July 28 at the Youth Center in Los Alamitos.  The course cost is normally $299 but the first 25 applicants selected for the Academy will be able to attend for free. Teens ages 17 to 19 can apply online now at www.theyouthcenter.org.

Young adults can earn how to handle real-world challenges for life beyond high school at the 5th annual Youth Center Leadership Academy running from July 24 to July 28 at the Youth Center in Los Alamitos.  The course cost is normally $299 but the first 25 applicants selected for the Academy will be able to attend for free. Teens ages 17 to 19 can apply online now at www.theyouthcenter.org.
This exclusive workshop has been refined each year to include the hottest topics recommended by teens who have just moved out or will soon be living on their own.  “We want to keep things fresh and relevant for the participants to ensure that in the short time they’re with us, they learn the basics about many aspects of living responsibly on their own,” said Julie Rubin, Youth Center Program and Operations Manager.
The curriculum includes workshops on basic financial skills, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being, conflict resolution, auto maintenance and insurance, goal setting and leadership skills, cooking and home skills, business basics, creating a resume and interview skills and more. Each graduate will take away a certificate of completion, written goals, a letter of recommendation, resume, bank account (upon parental approval), a professional photo, a mentor and peer-to-peer friendships. Each workshop is taught by highly qualified members from the Orange County community.
“We’re teaching kids how to be successful in life,” said Youth Center Executive Director Lina Lumme. “We’re teaching them how to fish so they’ll eat for a lifetime by giving them the skills they’ll need to succeed in their young adult lives.”
For more information about the Youth Center’s Leadership Academy, please contact Youth Center Programs and Operations Manager Julie Rubin at 562-493-4043 or visit theyouthcenter.org.  The Leadership Academy can be found on their website through “Programs.”