LATV program on 33-acre project wins award

The LATV program “Thirty Three Acre Project” took 1st Place in the documentary category at the recent Alliance for Community Media Awards Ceremony and conference in San Jose.

The LATV program “Thirty Three Acre Project” took 1st Place in the documentary category at the recent Alliance for Community Media Awards Ceremony and conference in San Jose.

The one-hour documentary tracks the historical issues surrounding the public lands of the Los Alamitos Race Track area (aka. the LART) and attempts by local officials and commercial interests to rezone portions of the last open lands in Cypress for a trucking and distribution hub. The scheme was recently abandoned in the face of withering public outcry.

Producer John Underwood said of the effort, “It was a noble example of what everyday citizens can accomplish when they organize and rally behind a shared interest. I just trained a camera on it, and recorded what they had to say. . . There ought to be an award for collective citizen action. A lot of folks from Cypress and Los Al would be able to claim bragging rights for that one.”

The documentary can be seen on LATV-3, and on